Captain James M. Morgan's Company
Of Iowa Mounted Volunteers
It would seem to have been the part of
wisdom to have retained Captain Parker's Company in the service for the
full length of its term. The Winnebago Indians had become
restless, and a portion of the tribe had left its reservation, going to
their old hunting grounds in Wisconsin. Another portion had gone
west into the interior of Iowa, and only about one-half the tribe
remained upon its original reservation. More than the available
force of United States soldiers in the vicinity of the reservation was
needed to again concentrate the tribe, and prepare them for removal to
the new reservation which had been provided for them. It must here
be noted that, at the close of the Black Hawk War, the Government had
gathered up what remained of the once numerous and powerful tribe of the
Winnebago Indians, and had established them upon the neutral strip in
northern Iowa. The location did not prove satisfactory to the
Indians. In 1846 a new treaty was made with them, by which they
gave up their Iowa home in exchange for a reservation in western
Minnesota. A considerable portion of the tribe objected to removal
to the new reservation, and, as has been shown, were in rebellion
against the order which had been issued. It was the plan of the
Government Agent for the tribe---J. E. Fletcher---to move the Indians to
their new home in a flotilla of canoes up the Mississippi River.
To this arrangement, however, the Indians demurred. Their
belongings were loaded in wagons, to be hauled to the river, but the
Indians threw them out as fast as they could be loaded. Finally, a
detachment of troops was sent from Fort Atkinson. When the troops
arrived the Indians were in a hostile frame of mind, and a conflict
seemed imminent. The agent held a council with the principal
chiefs, however, and provided a feast for the entire tribe. By the
skillful exercise of diplomacy the threatened conflict was averted.
The Indians agreed to march across to the river at Winona, under the
escort of Captain James M Morgan's Company of Iowa Mounted Volunteers.
The cavalcade finally moved from Turkey
River on June 8, 1848. The number of Indians was variously
estimated from twenty-one hundred to twenty-eight hundred. They
were supplied with one hundred sixty-six wagons and about sixteen
hundred ponies. Papooses rode in "kyaks" or sacks of hides hung
over the backs of the ponies. About five hundred tents afforded
shelter for the Indians, and one hundred more were used ty the soldiers
and the agency and mission people. Their route lay straight north
until the Mississippi River was struck at Wabasha Prairie, the present
site of the city on Winona, Minn. Before reaching that place, the
Indian agent and Captain Morgan had learned of a conspiracy between some
of the Winnebago chiefs and a band of Sioux Indians, then encamped in
the vicinity of Wabasha Prairie, in which the Winnebagoes had agreed to
occupy a reservation adjoining that of Sioux and to proceed no farther.
The tract of country designated had been purchased by the Winnebagoes
from the Sioux, the former tribe promising to pay the latter a
stipulated sum, to be derived from their government annuities. The
Sioux Indians had pledged their assistance to the Winnebagoes in holding
this purchase in violation of their treaty, and to unite with them in
resisting the troops in any further effort to remove them to the
government reservation which had been assigned to them. Upon
receiving this intelligence, and becoming satisfied of its reliability,
Captain Morgan sent messengers to Forts Snelling and Crawford for
reinforcements, which were promptly sent to him under command of
Captains Eastman and Knowlton. The incipient revolt was crushed by
this stern display of force, and, upon arriving at Wabasha Prairie, the
savage wards of the government and their belongings were loaded in
detachments upon barges, and towed by steamboats, as they arrived from
below, to the Falls of St. Anthony, where they were again concentrated.
The delay caused by this change of transportation occupied about a
The land march was resumed from the
Falls, and, on July 30, 1848, at the mount of the Watab River, near Sauk
Rapids, on the Mississippi, the new reservation was reached. The
distance traveled had been three hundred ten miles. A site for the
agency buildings and mission was selected on Long Prairie, and Captain
Morgan's Company remained to keep order during the construction of the
necessary buildings. The new reservation seemed very satisfactory
to the Indians, and to General Fletcher, their agent, who says, in his
annual report, under date of Oct. 4, 1848: "The country for the
Winnebagoes was judiciously selected. It is the best location that
could have been procured for them west of the Mississippi River.
They are well satisfied with the country, and look upon it as their
permanent home."
About the first of September, Captain
Morgan received orders to return to Fort Atkinson with his company.
They marched to Fort Snelling, and were thence conveyed by steamboat to
McGregor's Landing, where they arrived on September 6th. A short
march brought them to their old quarters, where they were mustered out
of service on the 11th day of September, 1848, and at once dispersed to
their respective homes. While this gallant company had not
realized its expectations, of being sent to Mexico to engage in conflict
with its country's foes, it had served honorably and bravely in the
field to which it had been assigned. Its officers and men had
performed every duty which had been required of them. Those
members of the company who had first enlisted in the infantry had given
longer service than had been required of any other Iowa Volunteers who
had originally enrolled for the Mexican War, their entire length of
service having been two years and fifty-eight days. The following
is a complete roster of the company:
James McGowan Morgan.
Captain. Age 43. Residence Burlington, Iowa. Commissioned by
Ansel Briggs, Governor of Iowa, July 15, 1847, and mustered into the
service of the United States for during the War with Mexico, at Fort
Atkinson, Iowa, on same date. Mustered out at Fort Atkinson, Sept.
13, 1848. Had commanded Infantry Company, stationed at Fort
Atkinson, between the dates July 15, 1846, and July 15, 1847.
John Harrison McKenny. First
Lieutenant. Age 33. Residence Burlington, Iowa.
Commissioned, by Governor Ansel Briggs, July 15, 1847, and mustered into
the service of the United States, same date, at Fort Atkinson, Iowa, for
during the War with Mexico. Mustered out At Fort Atkinson, Sept.
13, 1848.
David Stokely Wilson. Second
Lieutenant. Age 24. Residence Dubuque, Iowa.
Commissioned, by Governor Ansel Briggs, July 15, 1847, and on same date
mustered into the service of the United States, at Fort Atkinson, Iowa,
for during the War with Mexico. Mustered out at Fort Atkinson
Sept. 13, 1848.
Walter Pollard Rowell. First
Sergeant. Age 32. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company and
appointed First Sergeant July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
W. S. Dollarhide. Second
Sergeant. Age 22. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company and
mustered as Second Sergeant July 15, 1847. Mustered out with
Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Josiah H. Clemmons. Third
Sergeant. Age 29. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company and
mustered as Corporal July 15, 1847. Promoted Third Sergeant Jan.
1, 1848. Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
John H. Hume. Fourth
Sergeant. Age 25. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company and
mustered as Corporal July 15, 1847. Promoted Fourth Sergeant April
1, 1848. Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Thomas Cox, Jr. First
Corporal. Age 22. Enlisted and mustered as Private.
Promoted Corporal Jan. 1, 1848. Son of Colonel Thomas Cox, who had
served as an Illinois officer in the War of 1812, and subsequently
became one of the most prominent citizens of Iowa Territory, serving a
number of terms in the Territorial Assembly, of which he was elected
Speaker in its Third Session. Mustered out with Company Sept. 11,
John Cadwallader. Second
Corporal. Age 24. Enlisted and mustered as Private July 15,
1847. Promoted Corporal Jan. 1, 1848. Mustered out with
Company Sept. 11, 1848.
John C. Martin. Third
Corporal. Age 20. Enlisted as Private July 15, 1847.
Promoted Corporal Jan. 1, 1848. Mustered out with Company Sept.
11, 1848.
George W. Hess. Fourth
Corporal. Age 32. Enlisted as Private and promoted Corporal
April 1, 1848. He was the only non-commissioned officer who had
not belonged to Captain Morgan's Infantry Company. Mustered out
with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Joseph Roth. Bugler.
Age 32. Enlisted April 1, 1848, and mustered in same date.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Samuel Mitchell. Bugler.
Age 20. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847, and
mustered in same date. Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Horace Salter. Farrier.
Age 24. Enlisted Feb. 21, 1848, and mustered same date. This
soldier had served with Colonel Doniphan in the Mexican War, and had
participated in the battle of Sacramento. He was mustered out with
Company Sept. 11, 1848.
John J. Adams. Age 38.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
William Anderson. Age 38.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Silas H. Axtell. Age 31.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
George W. Barnes. Age 24.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Absalom J. Beeson. Age 26.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Discharged for disability March 31, 1848.
Enos F. M. Blair. Age 23.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
John Brinkman. Age 27.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
John W. Brinsmade. Age 24.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Francis W. Buck. Age 21.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
James R. Burke. Age 21.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
John B. Carpenter. Age 21.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Alexander G. Cram. Age 23.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
H. G. Fairbanks. Age 24.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Alexander Falconer. Age 39.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Hiram P. Fleetwood. Age 23.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1847.
Joshua H. Flinn. Age 25.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
David Frazier. Age 34.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Martial Fry. Age 24.
Private. Enlisted July 25, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Silas Galliher. Age 21.
Private. Enlisted Jan. 26, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
William A. Galyean. Age 21.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Jeremiah Gehon. Age 20.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Erastus C. Gordon. Age 22.
Private. Enlisted May 25, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
John M. Graves. Age 18.
Private. Enlisted Jan. 26, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Sylvester Greenough. Age 36.
Re-enlisted from Sergeant in Infantry Company, and mustered in as
Sergeant July 15, 1847. Reduced to Private Dec. 31, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Henry Groesheck. Age 23.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Charles P. Hamlin. Age 19.
Private. Enlisted Jan. 26, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
H. H. Harliss. Age 23.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Phineas Harris. Age 18.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
George F. Hatch. Age 19.
Private. Enlisted Jan. 31, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
N. W. Hatch. Age 24.
Private. Enlisted Jan. 17, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Thomas Hilyard. Age 23.
Private. Enlisted June 10, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
George Humphreys. Age 25.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Joseph Curtis Ives. Age 23.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Nelson Marks Ives. Age 29.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
William Jones. Age 30.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Elisha J. Kennedy. Age 37.
Private. Enlisted Jan. 1, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Ichabod Kimball. Age 32.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Thomas B. Lane. Age 30.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Herman Legion. Age 23.
Private. Enlisted Jan. 26, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Alonzo Livermore. Age 25.
Private. Enlisted Jan. 26, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Daniel Loper. Age 22.
Private. Enlisted Jan. 26, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
William Loper. Age 24.
Enlisted Jan. 26, 1848. Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Jesse Lowe. Age 21.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
John Lumley. Age 21.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
E. C. McCormick. Age 29.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
William McCraney. Age 21.
Private. Enlisted Feb. 14, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Albert S. McKinley. Age 17.
Private. Enlisted June 10, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
S. P. McNeill. Age 21.
Private. Enlisted Jan. 26, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Louis Melosky. Age 51.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Discharged for disability April 30, 1848.
Christian Myers. Age 29.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Isaac Oliver. Age 21.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Peter Olson. Age 24.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Titus C. Owens. Age 22.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Died at Fort Atkinson Oct. 29, 1847.
Stephen J. Palmer. Age 20.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
James Parson. Age 23.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Henry Patterson. Age 21.
Private. Enlisted Feb. 1, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Joseph Patterson. Age 43.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Discharged for disability April 30, 1848.
M. T. Patterson. Age 19.
Private. Enlisted Jan. 21, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Alfred E. Purcell. Age 21.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
William E. Reed. Age 21.
Private. Enlisted June 10, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Michael Reilly. Age not
given. Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Discharged
Jan. 1, 1848.
Elisha Ricord. Age 28.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Discharged Jan. 1, 1848.
Ashley C. Riggs. Age 19.
Private. Enlisted Jan. 21, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Daniel Rorer. Age 19.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Ebenezer Sangster. Age 24.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Discharged Jan. 1, 1848.
Thaddeus Seamans (or Seamands).
Age 21. Private. Enlisted Jan. 21, 1848. Mustered out
with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
John I. Shaff. Age 21.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Philip E. Shaver. Age 19.
Private. Enlisted Jan. 21, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Morello W. Sleeth. Age 23.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
John M. Slidell. Age 21.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
William Snyder. Age 24.
Private. Enlisted Jan. 21, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Mortimer Sperry. Age 22.
Private. Enlisted Jan. 1, 1848. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Peter Tench (or Fench). Age
31. Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with
Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Andrew A. Timmons. Age 44.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Discharged for disability April 30, 1848.
William M. Traer. Age 25.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
John Tully. Age 35.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
William Vincent. Age 21.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Albert G. Walling. Age 21.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Conrad Wareham. Age 26.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Hiram G. Wasson. Age 24.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
John C. Webb. Age 29.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
George W. C. Weisgarber (or Wisegarver).
Age 26. Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered
out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Calvin P. Williams. Age 27.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Daniel D. Williams. Age 24.
Private. Enlisted July 15, 1847. Mustered out with Company
Sept. 11, 1848.
Isaiah H. Williams. Age 18.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Enrolled as "Isaiah Williams 2d." Mustered out with Company Sept.
11, 1848.
Thomas Wright. Age 24.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
James Young. Age 27.
Private. Re-enlisted from Infantry Company July 15, 1847.
Mustered out with Company Sept. 11, 1848.
Died |
1 |
Discharged |
7 |
Absent on furlough |
1 |
Aggregate number present at muster out |
92 |