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List of Pensioners
on the Roll
January 1, 1883
1812 to 1883

Indian Territory


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List of Pensioners on the Roll
January 1, 1883:  1812 to 1883

Indian Territory.


Note:  The list of pensioners is organized first by state, second by county and third by post office address.  Information provided for each individual on the pension list is:

No. of Certificate
Name of Pensioner
Post Office Address
Cause for Which Pensioned
Monthly Rate
Date of Original Allowance

Many of the "causes for which pensioned" use a variety of abbreviations, some of which are obvious and some that are not.  I do not have a list of the abbreviations used, but a partial list that I have developed include the following:

abd. abdomen
amp. amputated
chr. chronic
dep. dependent
dia., diar., diarr., etc. diarrhea
dis. disease, diseased, disability
g. s. w. gun shot wound
inj. injury
l., lt., lft. left
r., rt. right
rheu., rheum. rheumatism
sh. shell
surv. survivor
typ. typhoid
var. varicose
wd. wound

This is only a partial listing.  A full listing would be quite extensive.

Also, a note about the "do" found in the "post office address" field and sometimes in other fields.  Quite simply, this is a frequently used abbreviation of the time used as we would use "ditto" marks today.  That is, a repeat of the information in the record above.

I have also noted that there are numerous misspellings in the List.  I have tried my best to reproduce the list as it was published -- so hopefully, all the misspellings are from the original list and not introduced from my transcription.  Given that there are misspellings, I also believe that there are probably errors in numeric data as well.

Blank fields in the list have been denoted by "--".

Hopefully, this will prove useful in assisting you in finding information about your Civil War ancestor.

Please note the divisions of Indian Territory may be quite different in 1883 than they are in Oklahoma today.

To find the List of Pensioners for a unit of Indian Territory, click the unit name in the table below:

Cherokee Nation Chickasaw Nation Choctaw Nation Creek Agency
Creek Nation Pickens Seminole Upper Arkansas Agency

Wichita Nation Nation Unknown



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